Volunteers Needed

We are looking for some volunteers for the following positions:

  1. Jim Bruzas has been our GROUNDS & LANDSCAPING volunteer coordinator for several years now, and he needs some help.  One of the many things that Jim has been doing is making sure the sprinkler system around the pool and in the other common areas is functioning properly.  Sometimes this involves replacing a sprinkler head himself.  Other times it’s meant calling in a sprinkler company to do do more complex, time-consuming work.  This, along with the other things Jim has been overseeing, is getting to be too much for one person. The board of directors would like to separate this function from the other G&L responsibilities, but to do this we need a volunteer.  If you think you might be able to help out, contact the board through the website and we’ll pass your info on to Jim.  He’ll be happy to talk to you about the position.
  2. When we went to a single trash collection company, the responsibility to act as the LIAISON between the HOA and the company somehow fell to the Treasurer at the time.  While this is not usually terribly time-consuming, it is just one more thing for the Treasure to deal with.  The board would like to find a volunteer to take over this responsibility from the treasurer.  If you think you might be willing to help out, contact the board via the website and we’ll put you in touch with Kendra.

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